Discreet Surveillance

Surveillance, if conducted in a professional way, is an invaluable tool in obtaining evidence for personal injury claims, internal fraud, theft, and intellectual property matters. Our Private Investigators are able to monitor homes, remote locations, businesses, friends, family, partners, assets, and more. We conduct a preliminary desktop investigation for every case which is crucial when…read more.

Employee Absenteeism

Paragon Investigations normally conduct covert private investigations on long-term staff who are off sick and under suspicion. Our Employee Absenteeism Investigation will discreetly confirm the validity of an employee’s sickness claim. Employers are entitled to dismiss an employee who is absent from work for a prolonged period if certain procedures are followed. This is known as a…read more.

Fraudulent Injury Claims

Paragon Investigations are able to assist with the investigation of suspected fraudulent injury claims. Insurance companies, small business owners, and local authorities are often targeted by this fraud. Investigating the legitimacy of personal injury claims should be part of any due diligence, as trying to avoid accidents happening in the first place. If the injury…read more.

Employee Theft

At Paragon Investigations, we have the skills and experience to investigate employee theft to provide the client with the evidence needed to carry out the relevant disciplinary action. Recent reports suggest that nearly one-in-four employees are likely to steal from their employer. There are many reasons an employee may steal: greed, blackmail, bribery, personal financial…read more.

Due Diligence

Due diligence varies in meaning according to the business, organisation or industry. In general, it involves an investigation of the background and reputation of a business or individual prior to signing a contract which makes them legally responsible for an entity. It is imperative that business owners make the right decision when planning a major business…read more.

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